Why should I do Suzuki Guitar?
The Suzuki method is for children to learn and connect to music in the same way that they learn to talk. Every child learns to speak their native language fluently since it is what is being spoken and encouraged at home. Dr. Suzuki’s method proves that in the same any child can learn to play and understand music with the proper in home environment. With belief in the child the child will succeed.

Why do people prefer this method over a more ‘traditional’ style of teaching?
Over the years the Suzuki method has shown the musical and personal growth in many children. Parents loving seeing how much their children enjoy their weekly music lessons. The connection that the parents and the child make together through music becomes a part of their lives. Even many families that are at hesitate about the commitment level at first soon see the connection that it makes with their children and learn to be a successful Suzuki Parent through the help of the teacher and the Suzuki community

What does the ‘Suzuki Repertoire’ consist of?
The music in book 1 is primary folk songs, “Go Tell Aunt Rhody”, “Are You Sleeping?” “Twinkle Twinkle Little Star”. It then starts introduce more classical oriented pieces as the student moves into book 2 and beyond. Soon after that the piece used are standard pieces and etudes from the traditional classical guitar repertoire.

Will they only know how to play classical guitar?
Although they learn through classical guitar repertoire and technique the skill learned will always be applicable to any style of music. Many students will develop musicianship skills such as aural skills, music history, awareness of musical concepts, appreciation of many styles of music, and eventually reading music. From this they will foster a lifelong connection to the guitar and music.

How old does my child have to be for Suzuki guitar?
The Suzuki method is designed for children ages 4 and up. Every child has the ability to learn music from a young age. The development and success of the child is dependent on the patience and understanding of the parent.

Do I need to have a background in music?
No many Suzuki Parents don’t have any background in music prior to beginning lessons. For this reason many parents are encouraged to either have 2-3 lessons with the Suzuki teacher on being a Suzuki parent and the basics of the instrument. Dependent on the amount of parents registered this can be done in a group setting.

What is a proper ‘in home environment’? and how do I create one?
Making sure the child knows that they have specific time, and place to have their daily practice. If possible this should be a room, or part of a room, designated only for practice time. This space should be away from other distractions and use only for music practice. The student should see practice time as another part of their day. For the listen portion the parent should plan when they will play the recording. Lastly the parents job is to provide encouragement for music by showing interest and excitement in and outside of the lesson and practice time.

What do I need to start and where can I get it?
1) An appropriate sized nylon string guitar. This should be measured and recommended by the teacher in the first lesson with the child

2) CB Drums JRX08 Junio Drum Throne


3) Suzuki Guitar School, Vol 1: Guitar Part (Book & CD):


4) On Stage FS7850B Guitar Foot Rest:


5) Nurtured by Love, by Suzuki

For more information about the Suzuki Guitar Method please visit:

